User Guide for Cisco Unified Operations Manager
Chapter 13 Generating Audio Phone and Video Phone Reports
Using Video Phones Reports
SRST radio buttons Select one:
• SRST—Configured to fail over to an SRST router in case of a WAN link
• Non-SRST—Not configured for SRST.
• All—SRST and non-SRST.
Protocol radio
Select one:
• SCCP—Phones using Skinny Client Control Protocol.
• SIP—Phones using Session Initiation Protocol.
• All—SCCP and SIP.
Video Phone Type
Enter a comma-separated list of phone models. By default, all supported phone
models are included in this field. Edit the entries in the field directly or select
from a list of phone models, as follows:
1. Click . The Select Video Phone Models list appears.
2. Select the desired video phone models from the list. (Use the Control key
or the Shift key to select more than one video phone model from the list.)
3. Click OK.
CCM/CCM Cluster/
CME pane
• Exclude check box—Deselected by default. Select to exclude phones that
belong to any Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unified
Communications Manager cluster, and Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Express in the list box.
• List box—Enter a comma-separated list of Cisco Unified Communications
Managers, Cisco Unified Communications Manager clusters, and instances
of Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express, or select them as
1. Click . The Select CCM/CCM Cluster/CME dialog box
2. In the CCM/CCM Cluster/CME Selector, expand groups and select one
or more of the following: Cisco Unified Communications Manager,
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Cluster, and Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Express.
3. Click OK. The dialog box closes and the Find Video Phones screen
displays your selections in the CCM/CCM Cluster/CME list box.
GUI Element Description/Action