User Guide for Cisco Unified Operations Manager
Chapter 13 Generating Audio Phone and Video Phone Reports
Using Audio Phones and Applications Reports
Using IP Phone Outage Status Changes Reports
IP Phone Outage Status reports supply information for phones that have undergone a status change
during the previous 1 to 30 days.
The IP Phone Audit report provides a summary of all of these changes (see Using the IP Phone Audit
Report, page 13-22). Additional IP Phone Outage Status reports focus on particular types of changes, as
shown in the following table.
Understanding the Time Period Covered by Phone Status Changes Reports
When you generate an IP Phone Outage Status or Video Phone Status Changes report, your results can
be affected by the time zones in which each of following resides:
• Your client system—Operations Manager calculates the time period (previous 24 hours through
previous 7 to 30 days, depending on the report) for Phone Status Changes reports based on the date
and time on your client system.
• Operations Manager system—Operations Manager records some audits, such as extension number
changes, based on the time that the change is detected on the Operations Manager system.
• Cisco Unified Communications Manager—Operations Manager records some audits, such as phone
moves, based on the time on Cisco Unified Communications Manager that changes were detected.
If any of these systems is not in the same time zone as your system, you must take the time zone
difference into account when you generate and view Phone Status Changes reports.
Tip If the audit date and time on the Operations Manager system is inconsistent with those shown in the IP
Phone Outage Status or Video Phone Status Changes report, make sure that all Cisco Unified
Communications Managers in the network are set to synchronize.
Phone Status Change Details in this Report…
Connection—Connected to a
different switch or switch port
Using the IP Phone Move Report, page 13-21
Duplicate IP address or MAC address Using the Duplicate MAC/IP Address Report, page 13-26
Extension number change Using the Extension Number Changes Report, page 13-24
Registration with Cisco Unified
Communications Manager:
• Registered to a different Cisco
Unified Communications
• Not registered
• Attempted to register and failed
Using the IP Phone Move Report, page 13-21
Using the Suspect Phone Report, page 13-25
Removed Using the Removed IP Phones Report, page 13-23