Configuring Presence Service
How to Configure Presence Service
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
5. blf-speed-dial tag number label string
6. presence call-list
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1
Router> enable
Enables privileged EXEC mode.
• Enter your password if prompted.
Step 2
configure terminal
Router# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 3
ephone phone-tag
Router(config)# ephone 1
Enters ephone configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a SIP phone.
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number of the phone to
be configured. Range is version and
platform-dependent; type ? to display range. You can
modify the upper limit for this argument with the
max-ephones command.
Step 4
button button-number{separator}dn-tag
Router(config-ephone)# button 1:10 2:11 3b12
Associates a button number and line characteristics with a
directory number on the phone.
• button-number—Number of a line button on an IP
• separator—Single character that denotes the type of
characteristics to be associated with the button.
• dn-tag—Unique sequence number of the ephone-dn
that you want to appear on this button. For overlay lines
(separator is o or c), this argument can contain up to
25 ephone-dn tags, separated by commas.
• x—Separator that creates an overlay rollover button.
• overlay-button-number—Number of the overlay button
that should overflow to this button.
Step 5
blf-speed-dial tag number label string
Router(config-ephone)# blf-speed-dial 3 3001
label sales
Enables BLF monitoring of a directory number associated
with a speed-dial number on the phone.
• tag—Number that identifies the speed-dial index.
Range: 1 to 33.
• number—Telephone number to speed dial.
• string—Alphanumeric label that identifies the
speed-dial button. String can contain a maximum of 30