Hardware Installation 2-19
Basic LS2020 Configuration Tasks
• Method 2, changing modem baud rate through use of redundant components—With this
method, the assumption is made that the local console terminal is not available (for example, if
a software installation or upgrade is being done remotely). The assumption is also made that your
LS2020 chassis is equipped with redundant Release 2 switch cards and modems, and that you
have the ability to dial into the LS2020 chassis using the other switch card and modem.
Method 1
If you have access to the local console, perform the following procedure to match the modem port
baud rate:
Step 1 Issue the set command from the console:
set {sa | sb} modem baudrate {2400 | 9600}
where {sa | sb} represents either Release 2 switch card A or B, as appropriate, and
{2400 | 9600} represents the available choices in matching the modem port baud rate.
Step 2 Issue the init command at the TCS hub prompt:
init {sa | sb} modem
This command initializes the modem port on the specified switch card with the selected baud rate.
Method 2
If you do not have access to the local console, but you can dial into the LS2020 chassis by means of
a switch card, perform the following procedure to match the baud rate of the desired modem port:
Step 1 Dial in to the LS2020 chassis and determine the address of the switch card to which the
desired modem is attached, that is, the modem for which you are attempting to match the
baud rate.
Step 2 Issue the set command at the TCS hub prompt:
set {sa | sb} modem baudrate {2400 | 9600}
In this command, specify the switch card having the non-matching baud rate. For example,
if you have dialed into the LS2020 chassis through switch card A, specify sb in the set
command; if you have dialed into the chassis through switch card B, specify sa in the set
command. Finally, specify the desired baud rate for the modem port.
Step 3 Issue the init command at the TCS hub prompt:
init {sa | sb} modem
Again, as in Step 2 above, specify the switch card having the non-matching baud rate. This
command initializes the modem port on the switch card with the specified baud rate.
Attaching a Terminal and Matching the Baud Rate
Figure 5-2 in Chapter 5, “Additional Components” illustrates the console/ modem assembly for a
switch card. This assembly is inserted in the access (rear) side of the LS2020 chassis opposite a
corresponding switch card. This assembly provides the means for attaching a terminal or a modem
to your LS2020 switch.
To attach the terminal cable to the console port and to match the terminal and the console port baud
rates, perform the following procedure:
Step 1 Connect the cable for the VT100-compatible terminal to the console (CNSL) port on the
console/modem assembly.