2-16 LightStream 2020 Installation Guide
Basic LS2020 Configuration Tasks
• Subnet mask for the NP’s Ethernet address
The subnet mask for the NP’s Ethernet address specifies which portion of the IP address is the
network number and which portion is the host ID. This mask is the same for all nodes on the
Ethernet LAN attached to the primary NP. You can obtain the subnet mask from the Ethernet
LAN administrator.
• Default router (only if needed for reaching the NMS)
If an Ethernet LAN is attached to the primary NP, but the NMS is not directly connected to that
Ethernet LAN, a default router can be configured as the means for communicating network
management traffic between the NP and the NMS. The IP address for the default router has the
same network number as the attached Ethernet LAN (this number must be different from the
network number of the LS2020 network). The IP address for the default router also has a host
number assigned by the Ethernet LAN administrator.
If you plan to operate with a single physical LS2020 network under your network number and
the LS2020 network is a class C network, record as the subnet mask. (For a class
B network without subnetting, record as the subnet mask; for a class A network
without subnetting, record as the subnet mask.)
Network management can also be accomplished by means of an Ethernet LAN connected to an
ordinary Ethernet data port (that is, an Ethernet access card port) on the LS2020 node. The NMS,
however, must be attached directly to that Ethernet LAN. In this case, do not configure the NP’s
Ethernet address or default router address. Furthermore, in the current release, to provide access
control over Ethernet ports that can be used by an NMS, a port configuration parameter has been
added which allows you to specify whether IP traffic destined for an NP is forwarded or blocked.
This configuration parameter, lsLanPortNPTrafficFilter, determines whether or not inbound frames
received on an Ethernet port are delivered to any NP in the network. The default value of this
parameter for all access card Ethernet LAN ports is to block IP traffic to an NP. Therefore, you must
explicitly set this parameter, on a port-by-port basis, to forward traffic to an NP. The Ethernet ports
on the NP access cards remain unaffected in the current release, that is, these ports always pass IP
traffic to the NP.
For detailed information about configuring Ethernet port attributes, see the LightStream 2020
Configuration Guide. For detailed information about IP addresses, subnet masks, and network
classes, see the LightStream 2020 Site Planning and Cabling Guide.
Trunk Port Information
For each trunk port that you configure, the following information is required:
• The trunk card type: low speed (T1/E1 rate), T3, E3, or OC-3c
• The number of the chassis slot in which the trunk card is located
• The port number (except on an OC-3c card, which has only one trunk port)
• Additional port information needed varies, depending on the type of port being configured, as
indicated below:
— For a low-speed trunk port, specify the DTE/DCE type and DTE or the DCE bit rates.
— For a T3 trunk port, specify the line type (C-bit parity or clear channel), the cable length
(0 – 450 feet or 450 – 900 feet), and the cell payload scrambling mode (enabled or disabled).
— For an E3 trunk port, specify the cable length (0 – 400 feet, 300 – 1000 feet, 800 – 1300
feet, or 1100 – 1900 feet) and the cell payload scrambling mode (enabled or disabled).
— For an OC-3c trunk port, specify the clocking mode (internal or external).