Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970G/7971G-GE Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0
Chapter 4 Configuring Settings on the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Device Configuration Menu
Recording Tone Indicates whether a recording tone (often
referred to as a beep tone) is enabled or disabled
for the phone. If the recording tone option is
enabled, the phone plays the beep tone in both
directions of every call, regardless of whether
the call actually gets recorded. The beep tone
first sounds when a call is answered.
You may want to notify your users if you enable
this option.
Default: Disabled
Related Parameters:
• Recording Tone Local Volume
• Recording Tone Remote Volume
• Recording Tone Duration
Other related parameters—Beep tone frequency
in hz, the length of the beep tone (called
duration), and how often the beep tone plays
(called interval)—are defined on a per-Network
Locale basis in the xml file that defines tones.
This xml file is usually named tones.xml or
From Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration, choose Device > Phone >
Phone Configuration.
Recording Tone Local
Vo lu m e
Indicates the loudness setting for the beep tone
that is received by the party whose phone has the
Recording Tone option enabled.
This setting applies for each listening device
(handset, speakerphone, headset).
Range: 0 percent (no tone) to 100 percent (same
level as current volume setting on the phone).
Default: 100
See also: Recording Tone
From Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration, choose Device > Phone >
Phone Configuration.
Recording Tone Remote
Vo lu m e
Indicates the loudness setting for the beep tone
that the remote party receives. The remote party
is the party who is on a call with the party whose
phone has the Recording Tone option enabled.
Range: 0 percent to 100 percent. (0 percent is
–66 dBM and 100 percent is –3 dBM.)
Default: 84 percent (–10dBM)
See also: Recording Tone
From Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration, choose Device > Phone >
Phone Configuration.
Table 4-13 Media Configuration Menu Options (continued)
Option Description To Change