Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970G/7971G-GE Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0
Chapter 7 Viewing Model Information, Status, and Statistics on the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Status Menu
No DNS server IP A name was specified but DHCP or static IP
configuration did not specify a DNS server
• If the phone has a static IP address, verify
that the DNS server has been configured.
See the “Network Configuration Menu”
section on page 4-5 section for details.
• If you are using DHCP, the DHCP server
has not provided a DNS server. Check the
DHCP server configuration.
Programming Error The phone failed during programming. Attempt to resolve this error by power cycling
the phone. If the problem persists, contact Cisco
technical support for additional assistance.
Successful – MD5 The phone attempted an 802.1X transaction and
authentication achieved.
The phone achieved 802.1X authentication.
TFTP access error TFTP server is pointing to a directory that does
not exist.
• If you are using DHCP, verify that the
DHCP server is pointing to the correct
TFTP server.
• If you are using static IP addresses, check
configuration of TFTP server. See the
“Network Configuration Menu” section on
page 4-5 for details on assigning a TFTP
TFTP Error The phone does not recognize an error code
provided by the TFTP server.
Contact the Cisco TAC.
TFTP file not found The requested load file (.bin) was not found in
the TFTP directory.
Check the load ID assigned to the phone (from
Cisco Unified Communications Manager,
choose Device > Phone). Verify that the TFTP
directory contains a .bin file with this load ID as
the name.
TFTP server not
The specified TFTP server could not be found in
the phone’s CTL.
• The DHCP server has the wrong
configuration file for the TFTP server. In
this case, update the TFTP server
configuration to specify the correct TFTP
server. The CTL file was made and then the
TFTP server address changed. In this case,
regenerate the CTL file.
• If the phone is using a static IP address, the
phone may be configured with the wrong
TFTP server address. In this case, enter the
correct TFTP server address in the Network
Configuration menu on the phone.
• If the TFTP server address is correct, there
may be a problem with the CTL file. In this
case, run the CTL client and update the
CTL file, making sure that the proper TFTP
servers are included in this file.
Table 7-2 Status Messages on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 Series (continued)
Message Description Possible Explanation and Action