Chapter 8 Profile and Web Page Parameters and Defaults
Parameter Details
Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Administrator Guide (SIP)
• image_file_name is the file name of the firmware image, in the following
format. (This format includes spaces between elements for clarity. Do not
include spaces between elements when you enter and image file name in the
upgradecode parameter.)
CP model VV vv RR SIP yymmdd a-f ext
model is 7905 for the Cisco IP Phone 7905G or 7912 for the
Cisco IP Phone 7912G
VV is the major version number (always two digits)
vv is the minor version number (always two digits)
RR is build revision number (always two digits)
SIP is the protocol and should not be changed
yymmdd is a two-digit year, two-digit month, and two-digit day
a-f is the build letter (yymmdd and a-f together form the build date of the
ext is the extension .zup or .sbin
When you enter the upgradecode parameter, you must enter the following values
exactly as shown in the syntax:
• 3 (preceding type)
• 0x0400, 0x0100 (preceding tftp_server_ip)
• 69 (default TFTP server port number, preceding image_id)
Note A firmware image can contain a signature that allows a phone to
verify the authenticity of the image. A firmware image with such a
signature has the extension .sbin. A firmware image without such a
signature has the extension .zup. A Cisco IP Phone 7905G that cannot
perform image authentication will request a .zup image, which will
provide it with the ability to verify the authenticity of .sbin images in