Chapter 8 Profile and Web Page Parameters and Defaults
SIP Parameters
Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Administrator Guide (SIP)
MediaPort Port from which the phone transmits and receives media streams. This value
must be an even number; each connection uses the next available
even-numbered port for RTP. 0=Use the default value.
This value can range from 0 to 65535.
Value type: Even integer.
Default value: 16384
OutBoundProxy IP address or URL of the outbound proxy server, with or without a port
parameter; for example,,,, sip.cisco.com, sip.xyz.cisco.com:5061.
• For IP address, the port, if included, can be preceded by a period (.) or a
colon (:).
• For URL, the port must be preceded by a colon (:).
• If no port is specified, the default port 5060 is used.
Value type: Alphanumeric string, up to 31 characters.
Default value: 0
NatServer Specifies a server to which a dummy, single-byte UDP packed is sent to
maintain a Network Address Translation (NAT) during a session.
This parameter can contain up to 47 characters in fully qualified domain name
(FQDN) or IP format with an optional port parameter (separated from the
address by a colon); for example, xyz.cisco.com;1234. If no port is specified,
the phone uses port 5060.
Value type: IP address, up to 47 characters.
Default value: (port 5060 will be used)
NatTimer Retransmission interval (in seconds) for sending a dummy packet to the server
specified with the NatServer parameter, specified in bits 0-11 the parameter.
The upper 20 bits are reserved and should be set to 0.
Value type: Bitmap.
Default value: 0x00000000 (no dummy packets will be sent to NatServer)
Table 8-2 SIP Parameters (continued)
Parameter Description