Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Multirate Cards
D.3.1.13 Alarm Behavior Tab
The Alarm Behavior tab contains the following subtabs:
• D. Ether Alarm Behavior Subtab, page D-36
• D. POS Alarm Behavior Subtab, page D-36
D. Ether Alarm Behavior Subtab
The Ether Alarm Behavior subtab allows you to view and update Ether alarm profile information.
D. POS Alarm Behavior Subtab
The POS Alarm Behavior subtab allows you to view and update POS alarm profile information.
D.3.1.14 POS Line Tab
The POS Line tab allows you to view and update alarm profile information.
Table D-42 Field Descriptions for the SONET STS (Ether) Subtab
Field Description
STS Displays the STS number
XC Loopback Displays the cross-connect loopback status.
Table D-43 Field Descriptions for the Ether Alarm Behavior Subtab
Field Description
Port Number Displays the card port number.
Alarm Profile Choose an alarm profile for the port from the drop-down list. Values are Default, Inherited, or a
customized alarm profile.
Suppress Alarms If checked, all alarms are suppressed for the port.
Force to All Ports When clicked, forces all the ports to the selected alarm profile.
Table D-44 Field Descriptions for the POS Alarm Behavior Subtab
Field Description
Port Number Displays the card port number.
Alarm Profile Choose an alarm profile for the port from the drop-down list. Values are Default, Inherited, or a
customized alarm profile.
Suppress Alarms If checked, all alarms are suppressed for the port.
Force to All Ports When clicked, forces all the ports to the selected alarm profile.