Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Multirate Cards
D. Customer Info Subtab
The Customer Info subtab allows you to view the customer information.
D.3.1.6 Loopback Tab
The Loopback tab allows you to view and update loopback information.
Far End
STS No Displays the synchronous transport signal number information.
CV-P Displays coding violations–path information.
ES-P Displays errored seconds–path information.
FC-P Displays failure count–path information.
SES-P Displays severely errored seconds–path information.
UAS-P Displays unavailable seconds–path information.
Table D-33 Field Descriptions for the Path Thresh 1 Day Subtab (continued)
Field Description
Table D-34 Field Descriptions for the Customer Info Subtab
Field Description
STS No. The STS number
Customer ID The user-defined customer ID number
Service ID The user-defined service ID number
Table D-35 Field Descriptions for the Loopback Tab
Field Description
Port Number Displays the port number.
Loopback Type Allows you to configure a port to terminal loopback (Inward) or Facility (Line), or clear the current
loopback (none).
Note The line state must be OOS_MT before you can configure the loopback type.