Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide
Chapter 3 Building the Network
3.7.4 Modifying a Node Icon or a Map Background Image
3.7.4 Modifying a Node Icon or a Map Background Image
Network map backgrounds are provided by default as part of CTM, and are used to display a
geographical layout of the network. The icons in the Network Map can be customized. See Appendix A,
“Icons and Menus Displayed in CTM” for details of all the icons displayed in this window.
Images smaller than 640 x 480 pixels by default appear surrounded by blank space in the upper-left
corner of the window. Images larger than 1024 x 768 pixels by default appear with scroll bars. Icon
images are 32 x 32 pixels. CTM supports nonanimated GIF and shapefile format icons and maps.
Shapefile is a universal standard for data files that allows users to zoom in and zoom out without losing
Note The size of the map file should not exceed 100 KB. Modifying a Node Icon
Step 1 In the Domain Explorer or Subnetwork Explorer tree, click a node and choose File > Network Map.
Step 2 In the Network Map window, click a node and choose Edit > Change Node Icon. The Select Node Icon
File dialog box opens.
Step 3 Select a node icon from within the default file system at
C:\Cisco\TransportManagerClient\images\mapicons for Windows systems or at
/opt/CiscoTransportManagerClient/images/mapicons for UNIX systems.
Step 4 After choosing an icon, click Open. The new icon appears in the Network Map.
Step 5 Choose File > Save to save the changes. Modifying a Map Background
Step 1 In the Domain Explorer or Subnetwork Explorer tree, click a node and choose File > Network Map.
Step 2 In the Network Map window, click in the map background and choose Edit > Change Map
Background. The Select Background Map dialog box opens.
Step 3 Select a background image from within the default file system at
C:\Cisco\TransportManagerClient\images\mapbkgnds for Windows systems or at
/opt/CiscoTransportManagerClient/images/mapbkgnds for UNIX systems. Add user-defined images in
this file system, or click Create New Folder and save user-defined images in a customized folder within
this directory.
Step 4 After choosing a map background, click Open. The new map background appears in the Network Map.
Step 5 Choose File > Save to save the changes.
Note When you add NEs or groups to a group or to the top-level domain, the coordinates of those objects on
the related Network Map are initially null, so CTM automatically positions the objects. If you move an
object manually and save the map, the object has fixed coordinates. Therefore, if you open a map and