Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide
Chapter 3 Building the Network
3.6.7 Modifying Links
Note • Once the links are created, each link will have a different color notation depending on the alarm
status of the PTP on which the link is created. Links between Not Managed/Other Vendor NEs are
always black. The color of the link between an MDS 9000 or a Not Managed/Other Vendor NE and
a CTC-based NE is the color of the TP of the CTC-based NE. The colors are green for no alarm,
yellow for minor alarms, orange for major alarms, and red for critical alarms. Invalid links (as
reflected in the Is Link Valid attribute) are gray. An autodiscovered link can become invalid if 1) the
DCC is disabled on either PTP, 2) either PTP is placed out of service, 3) there is a fiber cut or
transmitter/receiver failure, or 4) either NE is marked Out of Service. Manual links are colored to
match the highest alarm severity on either PTP. L2 links are always gray.
• Links that are supported in different layer rates can be created only if the link endpoints are
compatible with the specified layer rate.
• If CTM discovers a link, it automatically assigns layer rates based on its endpoint.
Table 3-13 summarizes link color as it relates to link type and the involved NEs.
3.6.7 Modifying Links
Use the Modify Link wizard to modify the name, description, cost, or SRLG (if applicable) of links
displayed in the Link table. You can modify a link in the Link table or in the Network Map.
Name For the ONS 15501, ONS 15530, and ONS 15540, identify the PTP as a single name, which includes a port
type and slot number and might also include a subslot number and port number.
Link Summary Panel
Link Summary Summarizes the selections you made. To change the Link Summary, click Back and change your
Table 3-12 Field Descriptions for the Create Link Wizard (continued)
Field Description
Table 3-13 Summary of Link Color
Link Type Link Validity Link Color Can Link Be Deleted?
Manual Valid Color of highest severity alarm on the PTP. Yes
Manual Invalid Gray. Yes
Virtual Valid Color of highest severity alarm on the PTP. Yes
Virtual Invalid Gray. Yes
Unmanaged Valid Black, if the link isbetween two unmanaged
NEs. Otherwise, color corresponds to the
highest severity alarm on the PTP.
Unmanaged Invalid Gray. Yes
Autodiscoverd Valid Color of the highest alarm severity on the
Autodiscovered Invalid Gray. Yes