Installation Guide for the Cisco Secure PIX Firewall Version 5.2
Chapter 2 Installing a PIX Firewall
Startup Messages
The example startup messages continue:
Received nnnnnnn bytes.
Flash version 5.2(0), Install version 5.2(1)
Installing to flash
Serial Number:nnnnnnn (0xnnnnn)
Activation Key:70ffbacc 62b8e7c2 87021a9c 98c9a02b
Do you want to enter a new activation key? [n]
Writing nnnnnnn bytes image into flash...
Ready to reboot, please remove the disk.
Writing the Same Version of the Configuration to Flash Memory
If the versions are the same, you are prompted with the following:
Do you wish to copy the install image into flash? [n]
If you wish to load the configuration, enter Y for Yes. Alternatively, you can ignore the prompt and the
PIX Firewall will not start the download. If you do not perform the download, proceed to the
“After the Prompts” section.
The following is an example of the message displayed when the Flash memory and the installation
software are the same versions:
Flash version 5.2(1), Install version 5.2(1)
Do you wish to copy the install image into flash? [n] y
Installing to flash
Serial Number:nnnnnnn (0xnnnnn)
Activation Key:aaaabbbb ccccddd eeeeffff 11112222
Do you want to enter a new activation key? [n]
All other startup messages are the same as shown in the previous section, “Writing Different Versions
of the Configuration to Flash Memory.”
Configuration Version Message
PIX Firewall now displays a warning message if the configuration file (stored in Flash memory) is
newer than the PIX Firewall software version currently being loaded. This message warns you of the
possibility of unrecognized commands in the configuration file. For example, if you install a version of
5.0 software when the current version is 5.1 or higher, the following example message appears at
Configuration Compatibility Warning:
The config is from version 5.1(1).
but the image is version 5.0(3).
In the message, “config” is the version in Flash memory and “image” is the version you are installing.
You will not receive this message if the installation is an upgrade of the same major release. For
example, if you are installing from version 5.1(1) to 5.1(2).