Installation Guide for the Cisco Secure PIX Firewall Version 5.2
Chapter 2 Installing a PIX Firewall
Startup Messages
The Flash statement indicates the type of Flash memory. Use the show version command in the
Configuration Guide for the Cisco Secure PIX Firewall Version 5.2 to verify the amount of Flash
memory. If you have an insufficient amount of memory, the PIX Firewall would have displayed an error
message and stopped the installation. Refer to Chapter 1, “Introduction,” for a description of the system
requirements for the PIX Firewall platforms.
Installing for the First Time or Installing an Activation Key
Note You must have a new activation key before you can use any of the version 5.0 (or higher)
IPSec features or commands. You can have a new activation key sent to you by completing
the form at the following site:
PIX Firewall then displays the following message:
Activation Key: aaaabbbb ccccddd eeeeffff 11112222
Do you want to enter a new activation key? [n]
If you are installing for the first time or you want to enter a new activation key, enter y for Yes.
If you do not wish to enter an activation key, enter
n for No, or wait approximately 45 seconds and the
PIX Firewall will enter No for you. If you enter
y to enter an activation key, you are prompted to enter
each part of the activation key:
Enter Activation Key
Part 1 of 4:
Enter the first part of your new activation key. (In the previous example for the activation key listing,
the first part is aaaabbbb.)
PIX Firewall then prompts you for the other 3 parts of the activation key. Enter each part:
Part 2 of 4:
Part 3 of 4:
Part 4 of 4:
After the Prompts
PIX Firewall then continues the startup messages as follows:
Writing nnnnnnn bytes image into flash...
Flash=i28F640J5 @ 0x300
BIOS Flash=AT29C257 @ 0xfffd8000
To install, you need to see at least 32 MB of RAM. If you had too little memory, a message would
display indicating “
insufficient memory.”