Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Module Installation and Configuration Note
Administering the NAM
Additional NAM Software Administrative Commands
The NAM supports these additional administrative commands:
Command Description
config clear Clears the NVRAM configuration to the factory-set default condition,
• Deleting all RMON control tables.
• Deleting all RMON1 and RMON2 filters.
• Returning the RMON configuration file to the default configuration.
No IP host configuration data is deleted.
You must reset the NAM after entering the config clear command for the
change to take effect.
This command can be used by the root account only.
coredump ftp://host/absolute-path Sends a core file to an anonymous FTP server after the RMON agent crashes.
You should always copy and save this information to a file before calling the
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC). The TAC needs this information to
analyze and troubleshoot the NAM. Only one core dump file is maintained. A
newly created core dump file overwrites an existing core dump file. This
command can be used only by the root account.
Note If the FTP server does not allow anonymous users, use the following
syntax: coredump ftp://user:password@host/absolute-path.
exsession [on | off] Controls whether external Telnet sessions are accepted by the NAM from
outside the switch. The default is set to off. If the exsession command is set to
off, you can only Telnet to the NAM from the supervisor engine on the switch.
If the exsession command is set to on, new Telnet requests from any valid IP
address are accepted. This command will not drop any open sessions. This
command can be used by the root account only.
help [command] Displays a list of top-level commands or additional information for an
individual command.
ip address ip-address subnet-mask Specifies the IP address and subnet for a node on the network.
ip broadcast broadcast-address Specifies the IP broadcast address for a node on the network.
ip gateway default-gateway Specifies the default IP gateway.
ip hosts add ip address host_name [alias 1]
[alias 2]
Adds a host entry to the hosts file.
ip hosts add
Adds the host entries from the remote file to the hosts file.
ip hosts delete Deletes a host entry from the hosts file.
ip hosts delete
Deletes the host entries from the remote file in the hosts file.
ip nameserver ip-addr ip-addr ip-addr Specifies the IP name server used to resolve network names into network
nslookup hostname [server] Allows name server queries for information about a host. If the optional server
is not specified, the NAM DNS servers are used.