Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Module Installation and Configuration Note
Installing and Removing the NAM
Verifying the Installation
These sections describe how to verify the installation of the NAM.
• Cisco IOS Software, page 14
• Catalyst OS Software, page 14
Cisco IOS Software
To verify that the switch acknowledges the new NAM and has brought it online, enter the show module
This example shows the output of the show module command:
Router#show mod
Mod Ports Card Type Model Serial No.
--- ----- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------
2 2 Catalyst 6000 supervisor 2 (Active) WS-X6K-SUP2-2GE SAD0410050B
3 48 48 port 10/100 mb RJ-45 ethernet WS-X6248-RJ-45 SAD03080485
5 2 Network Analysis Module WS-X6380-NAM SAD05130AXB
7 2 Intrusion Detection System WS-X6381-IDS SAD05100HPT
Mod MAC addresses Hw Fw Sw Status
--- ------------------------------- ------ ------------ ------------ -------
2 0050.3e7e.70a2 to 0050.3e7e.70a3 90.223 6.1(3) 7.1(0.9) Ok
3 00e0.b0ff.9050 to 00e0.b0ff.907f 0.702 4.2(0.24) 7.1(0.9) Ok
5 0003.32bb.dacb to 0003.32bb.dacc 1.2 4B4LZ0XA 1.2(01) Ok
7 0003.3283.cae6 to 0003.3283.cae7 1.1 4B4LZ0XA 2.5(1) Ok
Mod Sub-Module Model Serial Hw Status
--- --------------------------- --------------- --------------- ------- -------
2 Policy Feature Card 2 WS-F6K-PFC2 SAD040801JA 0.305 Ok
2 Cat6k MSFC 2 daughterboard WS-F6K-MSFC2 SAD04450FSS 1.1 Ok
When running Cisco IOS enter the show interface GigabitEthernet slot/ [1 | 2] command while logged
in to the supervisor engine or console to verify that the switch acknowledges the new modules and has
brought them online.
Catalyst OS Software
To verify that the switch acknowledges the new NAM and has brought it online, enter the show module
or show port [mod/port] command.
This example shows the output of the show module command:
Console> (enable) show module
Mod Slot Ports Module-Type Model Sub Status
--- ---- ----- ------------------------- ------------------- --- --------
1 1 2 1000BaseX Supervisor WS-X6K-SUP1A-2GE yes ok
15 1 1 Multilayer Switch Feature WS-F6K-MSFC no ok
3 3 2 Network Analysis Module WS-X6380-NAM no ok
5 5 48 10/100BaseTX Ethernet WS-X6248-RJ-45 no ok
Console> (enable)