Catalyst 4500 E-Series Switches Installation Guide
Appendix C Initial Configuration for the Switch
Entering the Initial Configuration Information
As the switch powers on, it begins the POST, a series of tests that runs automatically to ensure that the
switch functions properly.
POST lasts approximately 1 minute. After POST is complete, the system and status LEDs remain green.
If the switch fails POST, the system LED turns amber.
Note POST failures are usually fatal. Call Cisco Systems if your switch does not pass POST.
If you started the terminal-emulation program before you powered on your switch, the PC or terminal
displays the bootloader sequence. You need to press Enter to display the setup program prompt.
Entering the Initial Configuration Information
To set up the switch, you need to assign an IP address and other configuration information necessary for
the switch to communicate with the local routers and the Internet. The minimal configuration provided
here does not cover most of the features, it simply allows you to preform other configuration tasks using
a telnet connection from your management network. To configure other features and interfaces, please
refer to the Catalyst 4500 Series Switch Software Configuration Guide.
IP Settings
You will need this information from your network administrator:
• Switch IP address
• Subnet mask (IP netmask)
• Default gateway (router)
• Enable secret password
• Enable password
• Telnet password
Performing the Initial Configuration
Follow these steps to complete the initial configuration for the switch:
Step 1 At the terminal prompt, enter the enable command to enter privileged exec mode:
Switch> enable
Step 2 Set the system time using the clock set command in privileged EXEC mode.
Switch# clock set
20:09:01 3 Apr 2006
Step 3 Verify the change by entering the show clock command.
Switch# show clock
20:09:06.079 UTC Thu Apr 3 2006