Catalyst 4500 E-Series Switches Installation Guide
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Supervisor Engines
Troubleshooting Supervisor Engines
This section only addresses problems with hardware. Problems with features or configuration are not
covered here. Refer for your software configuration guide and release notes for information on
configuring features or identifying known problems.
Table 5-2 describes the supervisor engine LEDs. Check the LEDs on your supervisor and compare them
to the described LED behaviors.
System Messages and Supervisor Engines
Connect a terminal to the console port, and look for any of the following system messages:
Ta b l e 5-2 Supervisor Engine LEDs
LED Color/State Description
STATUS Indicates the results of a series of self-tests.
Green All diagnostic tests passed.
Red A test failed.
Orange System boot or diagnostic test is in
Off Module is disabled.
UTILIZATION Green 1–100% If the switch is operational, this display
indicates the current traffic load over the
backplane (as an approximate percentage).
LINK Indicates the status of the 10/100BASE-T
Ethernet management port or uplink ports.
Green The link is operational.
Orange The link is disabled by user.
Flashing orange The power-on self-test indicates a faulty
Off No signal is detected or there is a link
configuration failure.
ACTIVE Indicates whether the uplink port is active
or not.
Green The port is active.
Off The port is not active.
ACTIVE The LED to the right of the uplink ports is
used to identify the active supervisor engine
in switches with two supervisor engines.