Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 46 Configuring Enhanced Object Tracking
Configuring Enhanced Object Tracking Features
You can also track a combination of objects in a list by using either a weight threshold or a percentage
threshold to measure the state of the list. You can combine objects using Boolean logic. A tracked list
with a Boolean “AND” function requires that each object in the list be in an up state for the tracked object
to be up. A tracked list with a Boolean “OR” function needs only one object in the list to be in the up
state for the tracked object to be up.
Configuring Enhanced Object Tracking Features
• Default Configuration, page 46-2
• Tracking Interface Line-Protocol or IP Routing State, page 46-2
• Configuring a Tracked List, page 46-3
• Configuring HSRP Object Tracking, page 46-7
• Configuring Other Tracking Characteristics, page 46-8
• Configuring IP SLAs Object Tracking, page 46-8
• Configuring Static Routing Support, page 46-10
Default Configuration
No type of object tracking is configured.
Tracking Interface Line-Protocol or IP Routing State
You can track either the interface line protocol state or the interface IP routing state. When you track the
IP routing state, these three conditions are required for the object to be up:
• IP routing must be enabled and active on the interface.
• The interface line-protocol state must be up.
• The interface IP address must be known.
If all three of these conditions are not met, the IP routing state is down.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to track the line-protocol state or IP routing state
f an interface:
Command Purpose
Step 1
configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
track object-number interface
interface-id line-protocol
(Optional) Create a tracking list to track the line-protocol state of an interface
and enter tracking configuration mode.
• The object-number identifies the tracked object and can be from 1 to 500.
• The interface interface-id is the interface being tracked.
Step 3
delay {up seconds [down seconds]
| [up seconds] down seconds}
(Optional) Specify a period of time in seconds to delay communicating state
changes of a tracked object. The range is from 1 to 180 seconds.
Step 4
exit Return to global configuration mode.