Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 43 Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing
Configuring IPv6
Enabling DHCPv6 Server Function
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to enable the DHCPv6 server function on an
Command Purpose
Step 1
configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
ipv6 dhcp pool poolname Enter DHCP pool configuration mode, and define the name
for the IPv6 DHCP pool. The pool name can be a symbolic
string (such as Engineering) or an integer (such as 0).
Step 3
address prefix IPv6-prefix lifetime {t1 t1 | infinite} (Optional) Specify an address prefix for address assignment.
This address must be in hexadecimal, using 16-bit values
een colons.
lifetime t1
t1—Specify a time interval (in seconds) that an
IPv6 address prefix remains in the valid state. The range is 5
to 4294967295 seconds. Specify infinite for no time interval.
Step 4
link-address IPv6-prefix (Optional) Specify a link-address IPv6 prefix.
When an address on the incoming in
terface or a link-address
in the packet matches the specified IPv6 prefix, the server
uses the configuration information pool.
This address must be in hexadecimal, using 16-bit values
een colons.
Step 5
vendor-specific vendor-id (Optional) Enter vendor-specific configuration mode and
enter a vendor-specific identification number. This number is
the vendor IANA Private Enterprise Number. The range is 1
to 4294967295.
Step 6
suboption number {address IPv6-address | ascii
ASCII-string | hex hex-string}
(Optional) Enter a vendor-specific suboption number. The
range is 1 to 65535. Enter an IPv6 address, ASCII text, or a
hex string as defined by the suboption parameters.
Step 7
exit Return to DHCP pool configuration mode.
Step 8
exit Return to global configuration mode.
Step 9
interface interface-id Enter interface configuration mode, and specify the interface
to configure.