
Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3130 for Dell Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 39 Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing
Understanding IPv6
For more complete syntax and usage information on these commands, see the Cisco IOS command
EIPRP IPv6 supports the existing protocol-independent debug and show commands. Table 39-3 shows
the supported show, debug, and clear commands for EIGRP IPv6.
metric weights tos k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 Tunes EIGRP metric calculations.
neighbor x:x:x:x::x interface-name Defines a neighboring router with which to exchange routing
information on a router that is running EIGRP.
passive-interface [interface-name | default] Disables sending routing updates on an interface.
redistribute source-protocol [process-id]
[include-connected] [target-protocol-options]
Redistributes IPv6 routes from one routing domain into another
routing domain.
router-id {ip-address | ipv6-address} Uses a fixed router ID, use the router-id command in router
configuration mode.
shutdown Allows the user to shutdown the EIGRP protocol. The no version of
this command allows the user to start EIGRP IPv6 protocol without
changing any per-interface configuration.
stub [connected | receive-only | static | summary |
Configures a router as a stub using EIGRP.
timers active-time [time-limit | disabled] Adjusts routing wait time.
variance multiplier Controls load balancing in an internetwork based on EIGRP.
Table 39-2 EIGRP IPv6 Router-mode Commands (continued)
Command Purpose
Table 39-3 EIGRP IPv6 Show and Debug Commands
Command Purpose
show ipv6 eigrp [as-number] interface Displays information about interfaces configured for EIGRP IPv6.
show ipv6 eigrp [as-number] neighbor Displays the neighbors discovered by EIGRP IPv6.
show ipv6 eigrp [as-number] traffic Displays the number of EIGRP IPv6 packets sent and received.
show ipv6 eigrp topology [as-number | ipv6-address]
[active | all-links | detail-links | pending | summary |
Displays entries in EIGRP of IPv6 IPv6 topology table.
debug ipv6 eigrp [as-number] [neighbor ipv6-address
| notification | summary]
Displays information about EIGRP IPv6 protocol.
debug eigrp fsm Displays debugging information about EIGRP feasible successor
metrics (FSMs).
debug eigrp neighbors Displays neighbors discovered by EIGRP.
debug eigrp packet Displays debugging information for EIGRP IPv6 packets.
debug eigrp transmit Displays transmittal messages sent by EIGRP.
debug eigrp nsf Displays NSF notifications and information about NSF events in an
EIGRP network.
clear ipv6 eigrp [as-number] [neighbor ipv6-address] Deletes entries from EIGRP IPv6 routing tables.