Step 3
If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run regardless of
the level of server activity.
Step 4
Click the Run button.
Using Schtasks - Command Line Options
Options for Schtasks are:
/Create Creates a new scheduled task.
/Delete Deletes the scheduled task(s).
/Query Displays all scheduled tasks.
/Change Changes the properties of scheduled task.
/Run Runs the scheduled task immediately.
/End Stops the currently running scheduled task.
/? Displays help message.
Note: Run the commands with the following options to receive additional help.
SCHTASKS /Create /?
SCHTASKS /Delete /?
SCHTASKS /Query /?
SCHTASKS /Change /?
Note: This tool can be used in both Interactive Mode and Batch Mode. For details on scheduling
this tool to run in batch mode see Using Batch Mode.
Displays detailed configuration information about a computer and its operating system, including
operating system configuration, security information, product ID, and hardware properties, such
as RAM, disk space, and network cards.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 14: - Using 3rd Party Common Tools