>lsysDisplays systems that can be selected for log collection.
For each system for which the information is available, it
list_systems, lsys
system name
customer name
icm or ccm node name
process name
>al /product ICM /system
<system_name> /
Adds one log in the current log group.add_log, al
For ICM logs you must specify: /product, /system,
/icm_customer, /icm_node, and /icm_process.
<customer_name> /
icm_node <node_name> /
For CCM logs you must specify: /product, /system, and
For CEM, CCM, and CCS logs, you must specify:
/product and /system.
>al /product CCM /system
<system_name> /ccm_node
>al /product CCS /system
rl <log_name>Removes a log from current log group.remove_log, rl
>lslDisplays logs included in the current log group.list_selected_log, lsl
>lgdesc <description>Optionally, sets a description for the current log collection.log_group_description,
>closelgCloses and saves the current log group to the application
server's Repository.
close_log_group, closelg
When closing a new group, closelg automatically saves the
When closing an existing group that was opened for editing,
you must explicitly choose save by entering: closelg /save
To close without saving, enter: closelg /save NO.
>lslgList all log groups in the application server's Repository.list_log_groups, lslg
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 12: Using Cisco Tools from a Command Line
How to Use the Log Groups Utility from a Command Line