Cisco ONS 15600 Procedure Guide, R8.0
Chapter 17 DLPs E100 to E199
DLP- E170 Clear a Switch or Lockout on a Path Protection Circuit
DLP-E170 Clear a Switch or Lockout on a Path Protection Circuit
Step 1 Click the Circuits > Circuits tabs.
Step 2 Click the path you want to switch and click Edit.
Step 3 In the Edit Circuit window, click the Path Protection Selectors tab.
Step 4 In the Switch State column, click the row for the path you want to switch and select Clear.
Step 5 Click Apply.
Note This task does revert traffic unless ports are configured for revertive switching.
Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-E171 Verify Fan Operation
Voltage is present on the backplane when the system is operating. To reduce risk of an electric shock,
keep hands and fingers out of the power supply bays and backplane areas.
Statement 166
Step 1 Locate the three fan trays at the front of the bay. Figure 17-8 shows an unpopulated ONS 15600 with one
of the three fan trays and the fan-tray air filter removed.
Purpose This task clears an external switching command on a path protection
Tools/Equipment None
Prerequisite Procedures DLP-E103 Initiate a Manual Switch on a Path Protection Circuit, page
17-3, or
DLP-E104 Initiate a Force Switch to a Path Protection Circuit, page
17-4, or
DLP-E169 Initiate a Lockout on a Path Protection Path, page 17-54
Required/As Needed As needed
Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote
Security Level Provisioning or higher
Purpose This task verifies that all fans are working before you insert the cards.
Insufficient cooling by the fans can damage the equipment.
Tools/Equipment None
Prerequisite Procedures None
Required/As Needed Required
Onsite/Remote Onsite
Security Level None