
Cisco ONS 15600 Procedure Guide, R8.0
Chapter 17 DLPs E100 to E199
DLP- E137 Check the Network for Alarms and Conditions
Step 7 Click OK. A confirmation dialog box appears.
Step 8 Click OK.
Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-E137 Check the Network for Alarms and Conditions
Step 1 From the View menu, choose Go To Network View. Verify that all affected spans on the network map
are green.
Step 2 Verify that the affected spans do not have active switches on the network map. Span ring switches are
graphically displayed on the span with the letters L for lockout ring, F for Force ring, M for manual ring,
and E for Exercise ring.
Another way you can verify that no active switches exist is to click the Conditions tab, and click
Retrieve. Make sure the Filter button is not selected.
Step 3 Click the Alarms tab.
a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the “DLP-E157 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on
page 17-47 for instructions.
b. Verify that no unexplained alarms appear on the network. If unexplained alarms appear, resolve
them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15600 Troubleshooting Guide for procedures.
Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-E140 Disable Proxy Service Using Internet Explorer (Windows)
Step 1 From the Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel.
Purpose This task verifies that no alarms or conditions exist on the network.
Tools/Equipment None
Prerequisite Procedures DLP-E26 Log into CTC, page 16-33
Required/As Needed As needed
Onsite/Remote Remote
Security Level Retrieve or higher
Purpose This task disables proxy service for PCs running Internet Explorer.
Tools/Equipment None
Prerequisite Procedures None
Required/As Needed Required if your computer is connected to a network computer proxy
server and your browser is Internet Explorer.
Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote
Security Level None