Cisco 12006 and Cisco 12406 Router Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Installing the Router
Configuration Changes
Configure IP on this interface?[yes]:
The script displays the default or current conditions of the interface in square
brackets, ([ ]) because you invoked the setup command utility using the setup
command and there is previous configuration information. When a system prompt
contains an existing default value in square brackets, press Return to accept the
default value, or type an alternate value and press Return.
Configuring Global Parameters
When you first enter the setup utility or invoke the setup command, the system
prompts you to configure global parameters for your router. The global
parameters are used for controlling system-wide settings, including the following:
• Host name for the router
• Passwords for the enable secret, enable, and virtual terminal security
• Protocols used by the router
Host Name
The name you assign the router must follow the rules for ARPANET host names.
It must start with a letter, end with a letter or digit, and have as interior characters
only letters, digits, and hyphens. The name must consist of 63 or fewer characters.
For more information, refer to Requests For Comments (RFC) 1035, Domain
Names—Implementation and Specifications.
Upper- and lowercase characters look the same to many Internet software
applications; therefore, computer names should appear in all lowercase. For more
information, refer to RFC 1178, Choosing a Name for Your Computer.
The commands available at the user EXEC level are a subset of those available at
the privileged EXEC level. Many privileged EXEC commands are used to set
system parameters. You should password-protect these commands to prevent their
unauthorized use. For information on how to establish password protection or
configure privilege levels, refer to the “Configuring Passwords and Privileges”