
Chapter 3 Installing the Router
Connecting to the Console and Auxiliary Ports
Cisco 12006 and Cisco 12406 Router Installation and Configuration Guide
Connecting to the Console and Auxiliary Ports
This section provides the information for connecting console terminals and other
auxiliary devices to the console and auxiliary ports on the router. Both Data Set
Ready (DSR) and Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signals are active when the system
is running. The console port does not support modem control or hardware flow
control. GRP ports are discussed below. PRP ports are discussed in the “PRP
Console and Auxiliary Ports” section on page 3-18.
GRP Console and Auxiliary Ports
This section provides connection equipment and pin designation information for
the console and auxiliary ports on the Gigabit Route Processor (GRP).
Note To maintain Class B, EMI compliance, shielded cables must be used on the
console and auxiliary ports of the GRP= and GRP-B=.
The GRP has two EIA/TIA-232 ports:
DCE DB-25 receptacle for connecting a console terminal
DTE DB-25 plug for connecting other DTE devices
The DCE-mode console port is a DCE DB-25 receptacle used for connecting a
console terminal, which you will need to configure the router.
The DTE-mode auxiliary port is a DTE DB-25 plug for connecting a modem or
other DCE device (such as a channel service unit/data service unit [CSU/DSU] or
another router) to the router.
Note The console and auxiliary ports are asynchronous serial ports; any devices
connected to these ports must be capable of asynchronous transmission.
Asynchronous is the most common type of serial device; for example, most
modems are asynchronous devices.