User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Appendix B Command Reference
Command Description Conventions
1. This command is also available in the maintenance image.
2. This command is available only in the maintenance image.
Command Description Conventions
Command descriptions in this document and in the CLI help system use the
following conventions:
• Vertical bars (|) separate alternative, mutually exclusive elements.
• Square brackets ([ ]) indicate optional elements.
• Braces ({ }) indicate a required choice. Braces within square brackets ([{ }])
indicate a required choice within an optional element.
• Boldface indicates commands and keywords that are entered literally as
• Italics indicate arguments for which you supply values.
snmp-server 15 Configures an snmp agent. “snmp-server” section on
page B-71
ssh 15 Connects to an external host using SSH “ssh” section on page B-71
ssh-version 15 Enables Secure Shell (SSH) 1, SSH 2, or
both SSH 1 and SSH 2.
“ssh-version” section on
page B-72
telnet 15 Telnets to an external host. “telnet” section on page B-72
telnetenable 15 Configures Telnet access. “telnetenable” section on
page B-73
traceroute 0 Displays the network route to a specified
host and identify faulty gateways.
“traceroute” section on
page B-15
username 15 Creates a new user account or changes an
account’s properties.
“username” section on
page B-74
Table B-1 Command Summary (continued)
Level Summary Description Location of Full Description