User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Chapter 5 Performing Administrative Tasks
Administering Users
Note Your login determines whether you can use this option.
Step 1 To access the role management window, select Administration > User Admin >
Manage Roles. Role names are displayed in the center pane. To view the subtabs
to which the role has access, select the role.
• The admin user can view all existing roles.
• Other users can only view the roles assigned to them and any roles that they
have created.
Step 2 To add a role:
a. Replace the text New Role with the name you have chosen for the new role.
b. Select the check boxes next to the features the role will access. Click Add.
Note When you select a feature (for example, Display Faults), the role
is granted access to the corresponding subtab (for example,
Faults > Display Faults).
c. The new role appears in the list of roles in the middle pane.
Step 3 To modify a role, select the role. Select the check boxes for the features you want
to add to the role and deselect the check boxes next to the features you want to
remove from the role. Then click Modify to save the changes.
Step 4 To delete a user-defined role, select the role, then click Delete.
Related Topics
• Naming Guidelines, page A-1
• Managing Users, page 5-62