
Using VBCollector
r “Toggle folder tree” button
Switches between displaying and hiding the folder tree display area (!2).
t “Toggle data list” button
Switches between displaying and hiding the list display area (!4).
y “Toggle thumbnail image” button
Switches between displaying and hiding the thumbnail image display area (!3).
u “Close all detail display windows” button
Closes all the detail display windows that are currently open.
i Image display mode: “Image” button
Shows a list containing only the images in the
selected folder.
The image thumbnails appear in the thumbnail
display area and the “Recorded Date”, “Camera”
and “Trigger” information appears in the list display
area in the sequence in which the data was
o Audio display mode: “Audio” button
Shows a list in the list display area containing only
the audio files in the selected folder.
The “Rec. Start Time” and “Recording Period”
information appears in the list display area in the
sequence in which the data was downloaded. When
you select an audio data in the list display area,
thumbnails of the images shot while the audio was
being recorded appear in the thumbnail display area.
Only available with a particular model of the VB-C50FSi ( P.iii)
!0 Event display mode: “Event” button
Shows a list in the list display area containing only
the image capture and audio recording events in
the selected folder.
The “Occurrence Date”, “Event”, “Rec. Start Time”
and “Recording Period” information appears in the
list display area in the sequence in which the data
was downloaded. When you select an event in the
list display area, thumbnails images appear in the
thumbnail display area. For a image capture event,
the corresponding image thumbnails captured within
30 seconds before and after the event appear, and for
an audio recording event, thumbnails of the images
shot while the audio was being recorded are displayed.
!1 Combined display mode: “Mixture” button
Shows a list in the list display area containing the
image and audio data in the selected folder.
The image thumbnails or audio icons appear in the
thumbnail display area and the “Recording Date”,
“Camera”, “Trigger” and “Recording Period”
information appears in the list display area in the
sequence in which the data was recorded. In the list
display area, images shot while the audio was being