Creating Web Pages
Using the Viewer for Java to Distribute Videos
Specifies whether or not connection to the camera server should be
established simultaneously with applet startup. Specify either “on” or “off”.
When “on”, a connection is established simultaneously with applet startup;
when “off”, no connection is established when the applet starts up and the
character string specified for no_connect_msg is displayed. The connect()
method is called up in order to make connections.
Ye sauto_connect
Specifies the size of the image when Glimpse is started. There are 4 sizes: 80
× 60, 160 × 120, 320 × 240 and 640 × 480 for NTSC, and 96 × 72, 192 × 144,
384 × 288 and 768 × 576 for PAL. The default is the specified size in the Video
Transmission of the Camera and Video Setting Page (→ P.3-8). capture_size
is unrelated to the size of the image displayed on the monitor of your PC. To
change the size of the image on the monitor, specify with width and height of
the applet tag.
Ye s
This parameter specifies the comment text string displayed as an overlay on
the applet. If this parameter is omitted, no comment is displayed.
Ye scomment
Specifies the character string to be displayed while a connection to the camera
server is being established. The default is “now connecting”.
Ye sconnect_msg
Specifies the character string to be displayed when a connection to the camera
server is disconnected. The default is “disconnected”.
Ye sdisconnect_msg
Specifies the character string to be displayed when an attempt to connect to
the camera server has failed. The default is “can’t connect”.
Ye serror_msg
Specifies the font size for connect_msg, disconnect_msg, error_msg, and
no_connect_msg, when these messages are displayed. The default is to
depend on the display area.
Ye sfont_size
This parameter specifies the host name displayed in the applet. This value is
used as the host name in messages displayed during connection, etc. If this
parameter is omitted, no host name is displayed.
Ye shostname
Specifies the character string to be displayed after the applet starts up, if “off” is
specified for auto_connect. The default is “no connection”.
Ye sno_connect_msg
This function displays the frame count as an overlay on the video image.
Specify “on” or “off”. The default value is “off”.
Ye sshow_counter
This function displays the host name as an overlay on the video image. Specify
“on” or “off”. The default value is “off”. Note that this parameter is only valid if
the “hostname” parameter is specified.
Ye sshow_hostname
This parameter specifies the interval (in milliseconds) at which the screen is
updated. If this parameter is omitted, the screen is updated at 5-second
intervals. Because the Glimpse applet is designed to be used for displaying
multiple sites as a list, this parameter is provided as a means of reducing the
processing load. Intervals between 0 and 300,000 ms (5 minutes) can be set. If
0 is specified, the interval is not adjusted.
Ye ssleep
Specify the URL of the HTTP server for applet access. Specify the IP address
and port number that match those specified in the codebase attribute.
Parameter Name