information Displayed on the Screen
Playback (Detailed information Display)
@@ @@ @
(_ Movies (p. 31), High-
speed Burst (p. 80), Print
List (p. 159)
My Category (p. 142)
Shooting Mode (p. 190)
iSO Speed (p. 88),
Playback Speed
(Movies) (p. 109)
® Exposure Compensation
Amount (p. 85)
White Balance (p. 86)
C7_Histogram (p. 45)
_ Recording Pixels (pp. 61, _8)i-Contrast (pp. 89, 149)
112), MOV (Movies) @ Flash (p. 85)
@ Eye-Fi Transfer @ Focusing Range (p. 94)
Complete (p. 179) @ File Size (pp. 62, 112)
@ Battery Charge Indicator @ Still Images: Recording
(p. 15) Pixels (p. 61)
_$ Metering Method (p. 101) Movies: Movie Length
(i2 Folder Number - File (p. 112)
Number (p. 169) @ Protect (p. 134)
@ Displayed image @ Favorites (p. 140)
number/Total numberof @ My Colors (pp. 92, 148)
images @ Red-Eye Correction
Group Playback (p. 126), @ Shutter Speed (Still (p. 150)
image Editing (pp. 146 - Images), Image Quality / @ Shooting Date and Time
150) Frame Rate (Movies) (p. 19)
Compression (image (p. 112)
Quality) (p. 61) @ Aperture Value