ListofMessages That Appear on theScreen iiiiiiiiii
Invalid selection range
When choosing the selection range (pp. 136, 139, 144, 162), you tried to choose a
starting image that was after the last image or you tried to choose an ending image that
was before the starting image.
Exceeded selection limit
You chose more than 998 images in print settings. Choose less than 998 images
(p. 161).
Print settings could not besaved correctly. Reduce the number of selected images and
try again (p. 161).
You chose 501 or more images in Protect (p. 134), Erase (p. 138), Favorites (p. 140),
My Category (p. 142) or Print Settings (p. 159).
Communication error
Images could not be transferred to the computer or printed due to the large amount of
images (approx. 1000) stored onthe memory card. Use a commercially available USB
card reader to transfer the images. Insert the memory card into the printer's card slot to
Naming error!
The folder orimage could not be created because there is an image with the same file
name as the folder or image that the camera is attempting to create, or the highest
possible file number has already been reached. In the _i" menu, change [File
Numbering] to [Auto Reset[ (p. 169) or format the memory card (p. 22).
Lens Error
This error can occur ifyou hold the lens while itis inmotion or when using itin a location
with excessive dust or sand inthe air.
If this error message continues to appear, contact a Canon Customer Support Help
Desk as there may be a problem with the lens.
A camera error was detected (Error number)
If an error code appears directly after taking a picture, the shot may not have been
recorded. Check the image inPlayback mode.
If this error code reappears, note the Error number (Exx) and contact a Canon
Customer Support Help Desk as there may be a problem with the camera.
File Error
Photos from other cameras orimages that have been altered using computer software
may not be printable.
Print error _
Check the paper size settings. If this message appears when the settings are correct,
turn the printer off and back on, then make the settings again.
ink absorber full [
Contact a Canon Customer Support Help Desk for an ink absorber replacement.