Working with Labels 6-9
Move to Back. Moves the selected object to the back of any layered
objects, so that the other objects obscure or cover up the selected object.
Move to Front. Moves the selected object to the front of any layered
objects, so that the selected object obscures or covers up any objects
behind it.
Exit. Returns to the Main Launcher screen.
Hint! Press Shift along with Decrease type size or Increase type size to change
the type size in larger increments.
QuickText key functions
Not all system function keys are operative in the QuickText application, either
because the functions are irrelevant, or because of limitations on the design and
functions of QuickText labels.
Available key functions are:
z Advance & Shear
z Edit Data (edits text object)
z Help
z Status
z Clear
z Undo
z Edit Object (edits text object)
z Object Color
z Menu
z File Options
z Print (not including Advanced features)
See System function keysn page 3-5 for more information about the key