7-6 Adding Objects
Formatting text objects
The Enter Text screen provides these options for formatting your text object:
To select a font
You can choose from among several font styles, depending on which fonts are
provided with your system. The font is the style and shape of the characters.
You can also use text formatting options to change the style of the fonts to bold,
italic, and underline, or any combination of the three. You can change the color of
your text as well, depending again on how your system is equipped and the supplies
you have installed.
Note: When you apply the text formatting options, the system places invisible
markers to indicate where to apply format changes. Normally you will not
be aware of these markers, but if you inadvertently place the cursor before
a marker, the Delete key will not function.
1. With the text you want to change displayed on the Enter Text screen, select the
part of the text (or all of it) that you want to format.
2. Press Font on the Enter Text screen, shown in Figure 7-3 on page 7-5.
Font Lets you choose the style of the characters. See To
select a font below.
Type size
Lets you change the size of the characters. See To
change the type size on page 7-7.
Special Lets you insert special characters, like accented
characters, foreign currency symbols, mathematical
symbols, subscripts and superscripts, and more. See
Adding special characters to text on page 7-8.
OK Saves your settings and displays the label in the
Editor window.
Cancel Returns you to the Editor window with a text object
containing no text displayed.