First-time operators should refer to chapters 1 and 2 for more
in-depth information on printer and sensor positions.
Position the upper media sensor (Phillips head screw) directly
over the 0.230 inch x 0.082 inch rectangular registration holes
stamped in the Permasleeve carrier. The lower media sensor
should remain at its factory-set position, 0.6 inches from the
printer fire wall. The Locator may be used to position the upper
media sensor more easily and accurately. Refer to, “Transmissive
Media Sensor Positioning Using the Locator” in chapter 7.
Note: Make sure the Upper Media Sensor is tightened in place to
prevent it from being unintentionally moved as media
travels beneath it.
Above the printhead is a toggle or cam. This toggle is adjustable
in position and pressure. The pressure is controlled by the degree
of spring compression found on the toggle. The optimum toggle
position is located directly above the center of the sleeves. The
optimum pressure can be obtained by adjusting the toggle thumb
screws such that a spring height of 0.813 inches for the M-Series
printer is obtained.
The recommended burn temperature is 26.