
Getting Started 11
2.3.1 Interfacing to the Printer
For most applications, the interface between the Printer and the host device will
be RS-232C. The interface cable is connected between the Printer and the host
via the DB-25 connector. The DB-25 connector is labeled "serial" and is
located on the back of the Printer. Several typical cable interfaces are listed in
Table 2-1.
The Printer supports both XON/XOFF and CTS/DTR handshaking. For
connection to most host systems, the XON/XOFF handshaking works to reduce
the number of wires needed in the interface cable. For interfacing RS-422
devices, the XON/XOFF handshake is the only appropriate method. Refer to
Table 2-2 for the appropriate communications cable needed for your