
Blodgett IQ2T Control
Programming the Fan Cycle Time:
There a re 3 options for fan cycle time: Pulse, Heat
and Full. Pulse allows the fan to turn on and off as
programmed. Heat allows the fan to operate w ith
heat only. Full provides continuous fan operation.
1. The top display reads CYC1. The bottom dis -
play gives the current fan cycle for stage 1.
Press the TOGGLE/CLEAR KEY (11). The bot-
tom display toggles between PULS, HEAt and
2. Press the ENTER KEY (14) to save the new fan
cycle for stage 1. The top display reads CYC2.
NOTE: Repeat Steps 1 ---2 to program the fan
cycle for additional stages.
3. When the fan cycle for the final stage has been
entered press the SCAN KEY (15).
If no pulse cycles a re programmed the control
advances to timing mode.
If pulse is used, the control returns to the first
stage programmed for the pulse fan option.
Follow Steps 4---5 to program the pulse on
and off time.
4. The top display reads on --- x . The bottom dis -
play gives the current pulse on time for this
stage. Use the product keys to enter the de-
sired pulse on time from 10 to 60 seconds.
Press the SCAN KEY (15).
5. The top display reads o f --- x . The bottom dis -
play gives the current pulse off time. Use the
product k eys to enter the desired pulse off
time from 10 to 60 seconds. Press the SCAN
KEY (15). The control advances to the next
NOTE: Repeat Steps 4 ---5 to program cycle
times for all p ulse fan stages. When the
final pulse off time has been entered the
control a dvances to timing mode.
Programming the T iming Mode:
NOTE: It may be necessary to press the ENTER
KEY (14) until the top display reads tC ---1.
There are 2 options for timing mode: Straight and
1. The top display reads t C --- 1 . The bottom dis-
play gives the current timing mode. Press the
TOGGLE/CLEAR KEY (11) to toggle between
2. Press the ENTER KEY (14) to save the new
timing mode for stage 1. The top display reads
t C --- 2 .
NOTE: Repeat Steps 1 ---2 to program the tim-
ing mode for additional stages.
3. When the timing mode f or the final stage has
been entered press the SCAN KEY (15).
Programming Hold Mode:
The hold mode can be toggled on or off for specific
product keys.
1. The t op display reads HOLD. The bottom dis-
play reads the current hold mode. Press
TOGGLE/CLEAR KEY (11) to toggle between
on and off. Press the SCAN KEY (15).
2. The bottom display give the current hold time.
Press the TOGGLE/CLEAR KEY (11). Use the
product keys to enter the new hold time. Press
the SCAN KEY (15).
3. The bottom display gives the current hold
temperature. Press the TOGGLE/CLEAR KEY
(11). Use the product keys to enter the new
hold temperature from 140 -210_F(60-99_C).
Press the SCAN KEY (15).
4. The t op display reads HFAN (hold fan speed).
The bottom display gives the current hold fan
speed setting. Press the TOGGLE/CLEAR
KEY (11) to toggle between high and low.
Press the SCAN KEY (15) to exit the hold
mode programming.
Exiting the programming mode:
1. The top display reads Prod. Press the PROG
KEY (10). The control returns to operating