Blodgett IQ2T Control
Programming the Shelf ID:
The Shelf ID option can be turned on or off for spe-
cific product keys.
NOTE: Shelf ID is not allowed with multiple stage
1. The top display reads SHLF. The bottom dis-
play reads the current shelf ID mode. Press
the TOGGLE/CLEAR KEY (11) to toggle be-
tween yes and no. Press the SCAN KEY (15)
to advance the programming mode to timing.
Programming the T iming Mode:
There are 3 options for timing mode: Straight, Flex
and Sensitivity.
1. The top display reads t C --- 1 . The bottom dis-
play gives the current timing mode. Press the
TOGGLE/CLEAR KEY (11) to toggle between
St, FL and SEns.
NOTE: Sensitivity adjusts the cook time to
compensate for any difference be-
tween the setpoint and actual temper-
ature. The lower the sensitivity value
the shorter the time adjustment. Sensi-
tivity values are set in the manager lev-
el programming.
If Shelf I D is activated, all three timing modes
are available. If Shelf ID is n ot activated, only
straight or flex timing modes are available.
2. Press the SCAN KEY (15) to advance the pro-
gramming mode to hold mode.
Programming Hold Mode:
The hold mode can be toggled on or off for specific
product keys.
1. The t op display reads HOLD. The bottom dis-
play reads the current hold mode. Press
TOGGLE/CLEAR KEY (11) to toggle between
on and off. Press the SCAN KEY (15).
2. If the hold mode is activated, the bottom dis -
play give the current hold time. Press the
TOGGLE/CLEAR KEY (11). Use the product
keys to enter the new hold time. Press the
SCAN KEY (15).
3. The bottom display gives the current hold
temperature. Press the TOGGLE/CLEAR KEY
(11). Use the product keys to enter the new
hold temperature from 140 -210_F(60-99_C).
Press the SCAN KEY (15).
4. The t op display reads HFAN (hold fan speed).
The bottom display gives the current hold fan
speed setting. Press the TOGGLE/CLEAR
KEY (11) to toggle between high and low.
Press the SCAN KEY (15) to exit the hold
mode programming.
Check all Settings (SEE Mode):
and view settings o f a particul ar pro duct key.
1. Press the PROG KEY (10). The top display
reads Code.
2. Use the product keys to enter the SEE access
code: 2 4 4 4. Press the ENTER KEY (14). The
top display reads SEE.
3. Press the product key you wish to view. Press
the ENTER KEY (14).
4. The control will automatically scroll through
the programmable features showing the pro-
grammed values for each.
Exiting the programming mode:
1. The top display reads Prod. Press the PROG KEY
(10). The control returns to operati ng mo de.