Lubricate the tongue jack by extending it to the full down position and insert SAE 30 oil
through the oil hole in the top of the jack. Do this several times per camping season.
The E-Z Lube feature on your axles provides the ability for the bearings to be periodically
lubricated without removing the hubs from the axle. This feature consists of axle spindles
that have been specially drilled and fitted with grease zerks in their ends. When grease is
pumped into the zerk, it is channeled to the inner bearing and then flows back to the outer
bearing and eventually back out the grease cap hole.
A manual is supplied with your trailer which covers the maintenance of your axles. Refer to
this information for information regarding how and when to maintain the axle. If you have
further questions, consult with your independent, authorized dealer and/or visit the
manufacturer’s website at www.dexteraxle.com.
NOTE: The convenient lubrication provisions of the E-Z Lube and the oil
lubrication must not replace periodic inspection of the bearings.
Wheel Bearings
Your trailer wheel bearings require axle maintenance just as any vehicle wheel bearings.
Make sure you read, understand and follow the manufacturer’s information on
maintenance requirements. If you have further questions, consult with your independent,
authorized dealer and/or visit the manufacturer’s website at www.dexteraxle.com.
Wheel Lugs
Refer to the specific instructions supplied by the axle manufacturer and information found
in this manual. Make sure that all instructions are understood and followed to insure safe
operation of your trailer. If you have further questions, consult with your independent,
authorized dealer and/or visit the manufacturer’s website at www.dexteraxle.com.
WARNING: DO NOT ignore checking the wheel lug nuts. Failure to do
so can cause wheel loss, an accident, injury or death.
Electric Brakes and Brake Linings
Refer to the brake manufacturer’s supplied information for a complete maintenance
schedule on the brakes and brake linings. Information may also be obtained by visiting
their website at www.dexteraxle.com. Make sure that your brakes are in good working
condition before each trip.
NOTE: Canadian transportation laws require that brake linings be replaced if there
is any cracking for semi-tractor and trailers only. This does not apply to recreation
82 Jay Series/Baja/Select Folding Camping Trailer
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