Jayco pro vides ex tended lim ited war ran ties on the tent, frame, floor, lifter sys tem, and roof of fold ing camp ing trail ers
as out lined be low. Jayco war rants that all parts of our man u fac ture are free from sub stan tial de fects in ma te ri als and work -
man ship dur ing the war ranty pe riod un der nor mal use and ser vice, when used for its in tended pur pose of rec re ational
travel and camp ing. The war ranty pe riod shall be gin on the date the ve hi cle is sold to the first re tail con sumer pur chaser or
sub se quent trans feree or, if the dealer prior to sale first places the ve hi cle in ser vice, on the date the ve hi cle is first placed in
such ser vice.
This war ranty may be trans ferred one time only within a two (2) year pe riod from the date the ve hi cle is sold to
the first re tail con sumer pur chaser or, if the dealer prior to sale first places the ve hi cle in ser vice, on the date the ve -
hi cle is first placed in such ser vice with proper ap pli ca tion.
Lifter Sys tem
(1) Jayco ex tends to the orig i nal con sumer pur chaser and sub se quent trans feree, a lim ited war ranty on the lifter sys -
tem against func tional de fects in ma te rial or work man ship for the life time of the fold ing camp ing trailer.
(1A) Ex clu sions:
Nor mal ad just ments to the lift sys tem (such as pe ri odic roof height ad just ment to com pen sate for stretch in ca bles)
are cov ered by this war ranty for the first year only.
The in stal la tion of a roof air con di tioner or any other cargo CAN NOT ex ceed 350 pounds. Ex ceeding this limit
voids the war ranty pro vi sion on the lift sys tem. Do not lift roof with any load in place and al ways un lock all roof
latches be fore rais ing.
Any dam ages re sult ing from al ter ations to the lift sys tem.
Any dam ages caused by im proper main te nance, im proper re pair, im proper use or by use of im proper re pair parts.
Steel Frame
(2) Jayco ex tends to the orig i nal con sumer pur chaser and sub se quent trans feree, a lim ited war ranty on the steel frame
against func tional de fects in ma te rial or work man ship for the life time of the fold ing camp ing trailer.
(2A) Ex clu sions:
This life time pro vi sion does not in clude the frame sur face, axle beam, sus pen sion or run ning gear com po nents.
Floor/Bed Plat forms
(3) Jayco ex tends to the orig i nal con sumer pur chaser or sub se quent trans feree, a lim ited war ranty on the floor against
func tional de fects in ma te rial or work man ship in the struc tural in teg rity of the floor for the life time of the fold ing
camp ing trailer. Jayco ex tends to the orig i nal re tail pur chaser, a lim ited war ranty on the bed wood against func -
tional de fects in ma te rial or work man ship for the life time of the fold ing camp ing trailer and ap plies only to the
struc tural in teg rity of the bed wood.
(3A) Ex clu sions:
Func tional de fects in the vi nyl floor cov er ing are cov ered for the first year of own er ship only. The vi nyl floor cov -
er ing is NOT war ranted against gouges, cuts or tears. Re pair or re place ment of the vi nyl floor cov er ing will be the
sole rem edy for de fects.
(4) Jayco ex tends to the orig i nal con sumer pur chaser or sub se quent trans feree, a lim ited war ranty on the roof against
func tional de fects in ma te rial or work man ship for the life time of the fold ing camp ing trailer.
(4A) Ex clu sions:
This war ranty pro vi sion for the roof does not in clude main te nance, sur face fin ish, re-seal ing, or dam age due to the
in stal la tion of non-stan dard equip ment. NOTE: Snow loads must be re moved from the roof to avoid dam age to the
roof. All roof seams and mold ings must be re sealed (cap sealed) at least once each year.
Tent Ma te rial
(5) Jayco ex tends to the orig i nal con sumer pur chaser or sub se quent trans feree, a lim ited war ranty on the tent ma te rial
for five (5) years from the date of re tail pur chase against func tional de fects in ma te rial or work man ship on the
fold ing camp ing trail ers. Dur ing the first two years, parts, la bor and freight are cov ered. Dur ing year three, four
and five, parts, Jayco fac tory la bor and re turn freight from Jayco are cov ered. Dealer la bor to re move and re in -
stall the tent plus ship ping costs to Jayco is not cov ered. (In sim ple terms, you send it to us, we will fix it and send
it back dur ing year three, four and five).
(5A) Ex clu sions:
The tent is not war ranted against fad ing, dis col or ation, soil ing, leak ing due to con tam i nants, mil dew from con den -
sa tion or stor ing tent when wet, or prob lems re sult ing from mis use or abuse. Rips, tears and dam age caused by in -
sects and/or ro dents are not cov ered un der any war ranty.
Ex tended Trans fer able Limited War ranty Page 1 of 2
Jay Series/Baja/Select Folding Camping Trailer 7