6-34 Installation and Maintenance Volume
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019−01
Connecting to VCU
VCU 1.11 cksum=(1e0b843) Link:08/27/97 − MM/DD/YY 20:27
dev dsk log phy vendor prod_ID rev Mb phy/ log Mb h/k
0 −−− − −
1 −−− − −
2 1/1 ACT ALV SEAGAT ST1480 5736 406 cb40e/ cb40e 406 0/1
3 −−− − −
4 −−− − −
5 −−− − −
6 −−− − −
dev = Logical SCSI disk identification number
dsk = Dik number/total number of disks
log = Logical state of the system
ACT = Disk is actively used by the system
ERR = Disk has non-recoverable error
VLD = Disk part of configuration, but needs rebuild.
UNK = Disk is valid, but not part of this configuration
INV = Disk does not have valid configuration block
WPD = Disk slot is write protected
phy = physical state of the disk
ALV = Disk is alive
ERR = Disk has error
ILL = Disk is not a valid disk for the model defined
vendor = Disk manufacturer details
prod_ID = Disk manufacturer details
rev = Disk manufacturer detail
Mb = Physical size of the disk in Megabytes
phy = Physical size of the disk in disk blocks
/log = Logical size of the disk in disk blocks
MB = Logical size of disk in Megabytes
h/k = OEM identification/ Key revision (1=Non COD, 3=COD)
h = OEM key: 0/1 = VMX/Octel/Lucent and 2/3/5 = OEM
k = COD/non-COD: 1 = non-COD and 3 = COD
fmt = Soft format of drive (CPU/VCU)
. A COD drive cannot be copied to a non-COD drive.
Line Interface Card Diagnostics
There are three online diagnostic tests that test the line interface cards (LIC).
- The first test is performed periodically during normal message server operation. It checks the analog
(voice) path of the LIC.
- The second test is the ring detection/PBX connection test.
- The third test is the ring-through test.
These tests are described in the following sections.