4−8 Installation and Maintenance Volume
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019−01
To conform to the safety agency grounding requirements, use the power cord provided. This
power cord complies with the following UL requirement:
“An equipment grounding conductor that is not smaller in size than the ungrounded
branch-circuit supply conductors, is to be installed as part of the circuit that supplies the product
or system. Bare, covered or insulated grounding conductors are acceptable. Individually covered
or insulated equipment grounding conductors shall have a continuous outer finish that is either
green, or green with one or more yellow stripes. The equipment grounding conductor is to be
connected to ground at the service equipment.”
Verify that the wall power outlet conforms to the following UL requirement:
“The attachment-plug receptacles in the vicinity of the product or system are all to be of a
grounding type, and the equipment grounding conductors serving these receptacles are to be
connected to earth ground at the service equipment.”
Refer to Table 4-1 for the input-circuit current capacity needed to supply a dedicated circuit.
Use the following guidelines for calculating the Octel 200/300 input power requirements
If the Octel 200/300 is powered by an AC uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or a –48 Vdc source, the
input power requirement should be calculated to ensure that the correct-capacity power source is chosen.
The power requirements depend on the message server’s configuration, because a fully populated cabinet
requires more power than a minimally configured cabinet. The size of the AC UPS or DC source must be
chosen to match the maximum size configuration expected for each installation.
1. Calculate the exact message server configuration, including all known growth plans.
2. Determine the total power consumption (in watts) of the configuration, using the values in Table 4-2.
3. If the message server is to be powered by an AC UPS, multiply the total power consumption figure
by 1.5 to determine its volt-ampere requirements.
4. The total power consumption and volt-ampere requirements should be rounded up to the next
multiple of 50, before being used to choose an AC UPS or –48 Vdc source.
A label on the rear of the Octel 300 has a
label that warns of excessive leakage
current. The message server MUST be
properly grounded to minimize safety