Device Configuration
38 Avaya Integrated Management Release 4.0.1 Software Update Manager
For more information on the user interface, refer to “Using Dialog Boxes and Tables” on
page 32.
Current PMI IP
IP address of Primary Management Interface.
Current PMI Subnet
Subnet mask of Primary Management Interface.
Next PMI Interface Interface configured by the gateway to be the new Primary
Management Interface. If you set this parameter using the CLI, the
new setting only takes effect after the next device reset.
Next PMI IP Address IP address configured by the gateway to be the new Primary
Management Interface. If you set this parameter using the CLI, the
new setting only takes effect after the next device reset.
Default Gateway IP address of the default network gateway device.
ICC VLAN VLAN of which the device is a member.
Operational Status The operational status of the device. Possible values are:
● OK - Device is operational.
● Down - Device is reporting faults making it unable to function.
● Fatal - Device is reporting faults that are unrecoverable.
Fault Messages Number of fault messages reported by the device.
Table 8: Device Configuration Fields - General Tab (continued)
Field Description
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