20 Avaya Integrated Management Release 4.0.1 Software Update Manager
Application Tabs
You can access the three main components of device management using the following
Application Tabs in the Avaya G250/G350/G450 Manager:
● Device Manager - View the Avaya G250/G350/G450 Device Manager for device
configuration and Port RMON.
● Policy Based Routing Manager - View the Policy Based Routing and Next Hop Routing
configuration for the device.
● Routing Manager - View the Avaya G250/G350/G450 Routing configuration.
To switch to a different view, click the appropriate Application Tab. The selected application
Status Line
The Status Line shows the communication status between the application and the Avaya G250/
G350/G450 Device. The Status Line displays a status message and an appropriate graphic.
The table below shows the possible statuses with their corresponding graphics, and provides an
explanation for each status.
Table 1: Communication Statuses
Status Graphic Description
Ready The application is ready to communicate
with the Avaya G250/G350/G450 Device.
Communicating The application is currently communicating
with the Avaya G250/G350/G450 Device.
Communication Error The last attempted communication with the
Avaya G250/G350/G450 Device was not