Traffic engineering
190 Avaya Application Solutions IP Telephony Deployment Guide
The general formulas used to populate the COI matrix entries in Table 26, Table 27, and
Table 28
, respectively, for the Uniform Distribution model are:
Additional comments regarding Example 2: Uniform Distribution model
In the Uniform Distribution model introduced in Example 2: Uniform Distribution model on
page 186, the relative weights that are associated with the various sites correspond to the
distribution of stations throughout the sites. Alternatively, the weights could correspond to the
relative overall station usages in the various sites. Such a model takes into account not only the
number of stations, but also how busy the stations are. In Example 2: Uniform Distribution
model, since every station is assumed to have the same usage (specifically, 0.11 Erlangs), the
weights that are based on the number of stations per site are exactly the same as the weights
that are based on the overall station usage per site. Such a model is not always appropriate. For
example, consider a system with two sites, with 100 stations in each site. Suppose that the
average usage per station in Site 1 is 0.1 Erlangs, and that the average usage per station in Site
2 is 0.2 Erlangs. In a Uniform Distribution model where the weights are based on station usage
per endpoint, a caller in Site 1 is twice as likely to call a station in Site 2 than a station in Site 1
(because the total station usage in Site 2 is 20 Erlangs, and the total station usage in Site 1 is
only 10 Erlangs). The general formulas used to populate the COI matrix entries in Table 26
Inbound CUR to Site i
number of stations in Site i
total number of stations
total inbound CUR()×=
Outbound CUR from Site i
number of stations in Site i
total number of stations
total outbound CUR()×=
Intercom CUR from Site i to Site j
number of stations in Site j
total number of stations
total intercom CUR
originating in Site