Avaya™ ATM WAN Survivable Processor Manager Installation and Configuration 39
Failed opening
connection to <server>
with <connection state>.
<3> ASP Manager may encounter problems
connecting to a server or WSP for any of the
following reasons:·
• the IP address, Network Port Number,
default Gateway, or Subnet Mask in ASP
Manager no longer matches what has been
administered in the server or WSP, or on the
• the login ID and password (and possibly ASG
Secret Key) in ASP Manager no longer
matches what has been administered in the
main server or WSP.·
• a physical connection has been severed.
• the main server or WSP is down.
• the part of the ASP Manager software that
establishes a connection with a main server
or WSP is experiencing problems.
Failed to create
connection object for
<system> <exception
<4> This message can occur if ASP Manager
experiences difficulty building a connection file it
uses to make a connection with the named
device. Contact Technical Support, tell them what
you were doing when the error occurred, and give
them the exception description.
Message Possible Causes and Solutions