Avaya™ ATM WAN Survivable Processor Manager Installation and Configuration 11
If the main server has critical reliability enabled, ASP Manager issues the status pnc
command to determine whether A-pnc or B-pnc is active. If B-pnc is active, ASP Manager
issues the command reset pnc interchange override and waits for two minutes. A-pnc
must be active before ASP Manager can issue the command busyout pnc-standby, which
occurs next. If that step is successful, ASP Manager issues the command change system
duplication, and sets both SPE dup and PNC dup to ‘n’. If that is successful, ASP Manager
issues the command busy atm pnc 1, and if that is successful ASP Manager issues the
command remove atm pnc1. Next, ASP Manager issues the command list config all to
determine the physical location of the ATM interface circuit packs. This returns two locations.
Then, ASP Manager issues the command change system maintenance, changing the value
of the field called WSP to ‘SPARE,’ entering the ATM interface circuit pack locations
determined with the list config all command, entering the WSP number, and entering the
takeover time. Next, ASP Manager issues the change system duplication command, and
changes the value of the field called PNC dup back to ‘y’. Finally, ASP Manager issues the
commands save trans active and either reset system 4 disk or reset system 3 disk
preserve-license, depending on the release number of the systems.
For systems without critical reliability, ASP Manager issues the busyout atm pnc 1
command; it issues the remove atm pnc 1 command; and then busyout atm pnc 2 and
remove atm pnc 2 (if applicable). Then, it issues a list configuration all command to
retrieve the ATM interface location. This location is required for the next change system
parameters command. This returns one location. Then, ASP Manager makes the following
changes on the change system-parameters maintenance form of the WSP: it enters
“spare” in the WAN Processor Role field; it enters the previously determined location of the
ATM-EI board in the A-PNC Board Location field; it enters the WSP number (gathered from
the main server) in the WSP Number field; and it enters the number of minutes (gathered
from the ASP Manager user) after which the WSP will take over in the event of a main server
failure in the WSP Takeover Time field. Finally, ASP Manager issues the commands save
trans active and either reset system 4 disk or reset system 3 disk preserve-license,
depending on the release number of the systems.
ASP Manager lets you specify when you want to copy translations. You can copy them
immediately or schedule the copy to occur once, daily, or weekly.
ASP Manager lets you set the number of minutes after which a WSP will take over in the
event of a main server failure. All other WSP administration commands are accessible only
from a System Administration Terminal (SAT) or system administration application, such as
Avaya MultiVantage™ Configuration Manager or Avaya Site Administration.