Document No. 10-300090, Issue 1 23-15
80-Series QoS
set diffserv plp
* Important: This command is for future functionality and is not
currently supported.
Command Mode Global Configuration.
Description Assigns a packet loss probability (PLP) to a DiffServ code point (DSCP).
Syntax set diffserv plp {low | high} dscp <dscp-start-range> [<dscp-end-range>]
* Note: While the PLP for a DSCP can be configured and displayed, the
PLP is applied only when RED is enabled on a port.
Systems ■ P550R and P880, 80-series modules only.
■ P580 and P882.
Table 23-7. Parameters, Keywords, Arguments
Name Definition
{low | high} The PLP that you want to assign.
<dscp-start-range> The first DSCP in the range of DSCPs that
you want to assign the PLP to. DSCPs range
from 0 to 63.
[<dscp-end-range>] The last DSCP in the range of DSCPs that you
want to assign the PLP to. DSCPs range from
0 to 63.